Além de ser capaz de incorporar os bots de bate-papo em seu próprio site, e o acesso eles a partir de qualquer dispositivo Android ou iOS, você também pode acessar o chat bots através do Bot Libre web API. A API da web dá-lhe a vantagem de ter o controle completo de seu bot da interface do cliente.
Você pode usar a API da web para acessar o seu bot partir do seu próprio site através de JavaScript, PHP ou qualquer outra linguagem. Você também pode usar a web API para criar o seu próprio aplicativo de celular para acessar seu bot, como o Android ou o iOS do aplicativo.
Uma web API é um conjunto de HTTP GET/POST URI que permite o envio e recebimento de mensagem de dados. Quando você navega em um site, o navegador faz uma série de HTTP GET/POST solicitações de URIs que retornam o conteúdo HTML. Em um serviço da web que os URIs retornar JSON ou XML de dados, em vez de o conteúdo em HTML.
O Bot Libre web API fornece três APIs REST em um. O primeiro é um conjunto de HTTP GET URIs que tomar FORMULÁRIO de dados e retornar os dados XML. O segundo conjunto de API de assumir HTTP POST XML de dados e retornar os dados XML. O terceiro conjunto de API de assumir HTTP POST de dados JSON, e retornar um JSON.
A maioria dos aplicativos de uso do XML PÓS API, mas alguns aplicação poderá optar por usar o FORMULÁRIO de OBTER API devido a sua simplicidade. As APIs são idênticos diferente de seu mecanismo.
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/form-chat | GET | Form | Send a chat message to a bot. |
/rest/api/chat | POST | XML | Send a chat message to a bot. |
/rest/json/chat | POST | JSON | Send a chat message to a bot. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/form-check-user | GET | Form | Validates and returns the user's details. |
/rest/api/check-user | POST | XML | Validates and returns the user's details. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-bots | POST | XML | Returns all bots. |
/rest/api/get-bot-script-source | POST | XML | Get the source of the script. |
/rest/api/delete-bot-script | POST | XML | Delete a script from a bot. |
/rest/api/import-bot-script | POST | XML | Import a script bot. |
/rest/api/import-bot-log | POST | XML | Import a log of a bot. |
/rest/api/save-bot-avatar | POST | XML | Choose an avatar and save for a bot. |
/rest/api/save-bot-script-source | POST | XML | Choose a script and save for a bot. |
/rest/api/create-bot-attachment | POST | XML | |
/rest/api/up-bot-script | POST | XML | Move up the bot script |
/rest/api/down-bot-script | POST | XML | Move down the bot script. |
/rest/api/get-instances | POST | XML | Get all instances. |
/rest/api/get-instance-users | POST | XML | Get instance users. |
/rest/api/get-instance-admins | POST | XML | Get instance admins. |
/rest/api/get-all-instances | POST | XML | Queries the details for all bot instances. |
/rest/api/check-instance | POST | XML | Validates a bot ID or name exists, and returns the details. |
/rest/api/form-check-instance | GET | Form | Validates Bot ID, and returns the bot's details. |
/rest/api/form-get-all-instances | GET | Form | Queries the details for all bot instances. |
/rest/api/update-instance | POST | XML | Update contents of bot instance. |
/rest/api/update-instance-icon | POST | XML | Update to change the bot instance icon. |
/rest/api/create-instance | POST | XML | Create a new bot instance |
/rest/api/delete-instance | POST | XML | Delete bot instance. |
/rest/api/flag-instance | POST | XML | Flag a bot instance. |
/rest/api/star-instance | POST | XML | Star a bot instance. |
/rest/api/train-instance | POST | XML | Train a chat bot instance. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-instance | POST | XML | Thumbs up a chat bot instance. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-instance | POST | XML | Thumbs down a chat bot instance |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-channel-bot-mode | POST | XML | Get channel bot mode. |
/rest/api/save-channel-bot-mode | POST | XML | Save channel bot mode. |
/rest/api/create-channel-attachment | POST | XML | Create a channel attachmemt |
/rest/api/create-channel | POST | XML | Create channel. |
/rest/api/update-channel | POST | XML | Update channel. |
/rest/api/get-bot-channel | POST | XML | Get bot channel. |
/rest/api/get-user-channel | POST | XML | Get user channel. |
/rest/api/get-channels | POST | XML | Retrieve all channels. |
/rest/api/get-channel-users | POST | XML | Get all users of a selected channel. |
/rest/api/get-channel-admins | POST | XML | Get all admins of a channel. |
/rest/api/update-channel-icon | POST | XML | Update the icon of the channel. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-channel | POST | XML | Thumbs up a channel. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-channel | POST | XML | Thumbs down a channel. |
/rest/api/flag-channel | POST | XML | Flag a channel. |
/rest/api/star-channel | POST | XML | Star a channel channel. |
/rest/api/delete-channel | POST | XML | Delete channel. |
/rest/api/check-channel | POST | XML | Check to validate and returns a channel. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-forums | POST | XML | Retrieve the forums. |
/rest/api/get-forum-posts | POST | XML | Retrieve the posts of a forum. |
/rest/api/get-forum-users | POST | XML | Get users of a forum. |
/rest/api/get-forum-admins | POST | XML | Get admins of a forum. |
/rest/api/save-forum-bot-mode | POST | XML | |
/rest/api/get-forum-bot-mode | POST | XML | |
/rest/api/create-forum | POST | XML | Create a new forum. |
/rest/api/create-forum-attachment | POST | XML | Create an attachment for a forum. |
/rest/api/create-forum-post | POST | XML | Create a new post for a forum |
/rest/api/update-forum | POST | XML | Update the contents of the forum. |
/rest/api/update-forum-post | POST | XML | Update the content of a post of a forum. |
/rest/api/update-forum-icon | POST | XML | Update the icon of the forum. |
/rest/api/check-forum | POST | XML | Check to validate and returns a forum. |
/rest/api/check-forum-post | POST | XML | Check the post of the forum to validate and returns a post of a forum. |
/rest/api/delete-forum | POST | XML | Delete a forum. |
/rest/api/delete-forum-post | POST | XML | Delete a post of a forum. |
/rest/api/flag-forum | POST | XML | Flag a forum. |
/rest/api/flag-forum-post | POST | XML | Flag a post of a forum. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-forum | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs up to a forum. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-forum | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs down to a fourm. |
/rest/api/subscribe-forum | POST | XML | Subscribe to a forum. |
/rest/api/unsubscribe-forum | POST | XML | Unsubscribe to a forum. |
/rest/api/star-forum | POST | XML | Placing a star to a forum. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-scripts | POST | XML | Retrieve the scripts. |
/rest/api/get-script-users | POST | XML | Get users of a script. |
/rest/api/get-script-admins | POST | XML | Get admins of a script. |
/rest/api/create-script | POST | XML | Create a new script. |
/rest/api/update-script | POST | XML | Update the contents of the script. |
/rest/api/update-script-icon | POST | XML | Update the icon of the script. |
/rest/api/check-script | POST | XML | Check to validate and returns a script. |
/rest/api/delete-script | POST | XML | Delete a script. |
/rest/api/flag-script | POST | XML | Flag a script. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-script | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs up to a script. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-script | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs down to a script. |
/rest/api/star-script | POST | XML | Placing a star to a script. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-avatars | POST | XML | Retrieve all avatars. |
/rest/api/get-avatar-users | POST | XML | Retrieve all users of an avatar. |
/rest/api/get-avatar-admins | POST | XML | Retrieve all admins of a selected avatar. |
/rest/api/get-avatar-media | POST | XML | Retrieve the media of an avatar. |
/rest/api/create-avatar | POST | XML | Create a new avatar. |
/rest/api/create-avatar-media | POST | XML | Create a media for an avatar. |
/rest/api/save-avatar-media | POST | XML | Save the media of an avatar. |
/rest/api/save-avatar-background | POST | XML | Save the background image of an avatar. |
/rest/api/delete-avatar | POST | XML | Delete an avatar. |
/rest/api/delete-avatar-media | POST | XML | Delete a media of an avatar. |
/rest/api/delete-avatar-background | POST | XML | Delete a background image of an avatar. |
/rest/api/check-avatar | POST | XML | Validate an avatar and return it back to the user. |
/rest/api/avatar-message | POST | XML | Avatar Message. |
/rest/api/star-avatar | POST | XML | Placing a star to an avatar. |
/rest/api/flag-avatar | POST | XML | Flag an avatar. |
/rest/api/init-avatar | POST | XML | |
/rest/api/update-avatar | POST | XML | Update the contents of an avatar. |
/rest/api/update-avatar-icon | POST | XML | Update the avatar icon. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-avatar | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs up to an avatar. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-avatar | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs down to an avatar. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-domains | POST | XML | Get all available domains. |
/rest/api/get-domain-users | POST | XML | Get all users of a selected domain. |
/rest/api/get-domain-admins | POST | XML | Get all admins of a domain. |
/rest/api/get-domain | POST | XML | Return a domain. |
/rest/api/get-domain-icon | POST | XML | Return an icon of a domain. |
/rest/api/create-domain | POST | XML | Create a new domain. |
/rest/api/check-domain | POST | XML | Validate's and return's domain. |
/rest/api/update-domain | POST | XML | Update the content of a domain. |
/rest/api/delete-domain | POST | XML | Delete a domain |
/rest/api/flag-domain | POST | XML | Flag a domain. |
/rest/api/star-domain | POST | XML | Placing a star to a domain. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-domain | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs up to a domain. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-domain | POST | XML | Thumbs down to a selected domain. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-graphics | POST | XML | Retrieve all graphics. |
/rest/api/get-graphic-users | POST | XML | Get all users of a selected graphic. |
/rest/api/get-graphic-admins | POST | XML | Get all admins of a graphic. |
/rest/api/update-graphic | POST | XML | Update the contents of a graphic. |
/rest/api/update-graphic-icon | POST | XML | Update or change the current graphic icon. |
/rest/api/update-graphic-media | POST | XML | Update media content of a graphic. |
/rest/api/create-graphic | POST | XML | Create a new graphic. |
/rest/api/delete-graphic | POST | XML | Delete a selected graphic. |
/rest/api/check-graphic | POST | XML | Validate a graphic and return it back. |
/rest/api/flag-graphic | POST | XML | Flag a graphic. |
/rest/api/star-graphic | POST | XML | Placing a star to a graphic. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-graphic | POST | XML | Thumbs up a selected graphic. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-graphic | POST | XML | Thumbs down a selected graphic. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-analytics | POST | XML | Retrieve all analytics. |
/rest/api/get-analytic-users | POST | XML | Get all users of a selected analytic. |
/rest/api/get-analytic-admins | POST | XML | Get all admins of an analytic. |
/rest/api/test-analytic | POST | XML | Test a trained analytic model. |
/rest/api/test-audio-analytic | POST | XML | Test an audio model analytic. |
/rest/api/test-object-detection-analytic | POST | XML | Test an object detection image. |
/rest/api/get-test-media-result | POST | XML | Retrieve test media results. |
/rest/api/report-media-analytic | POST | XML | An analytic reprot. |
/rest/api/train-analytic | POST | XML | Train a model analytic. |
/rest/api/delete-analytic-media | POST | XML | Delete an analytic media. |
/rest/api/delete-analytic-test-media | POST | XML | Delete analytic test media. |
/rest/api/get-analytic-media | POST | XML | Retrieve all analytic media. |
/rest/api/get-analytic-test-media | POST | XML | Retrieve an analytic test media. |
/rest/api/create-analytic-label | POST | XML | Create a label to classify an object for a speicifc Analytic. |
/rest/api/create-analytic-test-media-label | POST | XML | Create a label to classify an object for a speicifc Analytic. |
/rest/api/delete-analytic-label | POST | XML | Delete a label of an analytic. |
/rest/api/delete-analytic-test-media-label | POST | XML | Delete a test media label of an analytic. |
/rest/api/check-training | POST | XML | Check current training of a model. |
/rest/api/create-analytic | POST | XML | Create a new Analytic. |
/rest/api/update-analytic | POST | XML | Update the content's of an analytic. |
/rest/api/flag-analytic | POST | XML | Flag an Analytic. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-analytic | POST | XML | Thumbs up an Analytic. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-analytic | POST | XML | Thumbs down to an Analytic. |
/rest/api/star-analytic | POST | XML | Placing a star to an analytic. |
/rest/api/delete-analytic | POST | XML | Delete an analytic. |
/rest/api/check-analytic | POST | XML | Validate an instance of an analytic and return it. |
/rest/api/reset-data-analytic | POST | XML | Reset the data of an analytic object. |
/rest/api/test-data-analytic | POST | XML | Test the data analytic. |
/rest/api/train-data-analytic | POST | XML | Train the data analytic. |
Operation: GET
Type: Form
O formulário de bate-papo API recebe uma mensagem de bate-papo e retorna o bate-papo do bot responder como um documento XML.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot to chat with. The bot's name can also be used, but the ID is better as it is guaranteed to be unique. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is sending the message. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. The user/password are only required on the first message. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is sending the message. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user who is sending the message. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
conversation | attribute | The conversation ID for the current conversation. This must not be passed on the first message, but will be returned by the response, and should be used for all subsequent messages in the conversation. | |
message | element | The chat message to send to the bot. The message can be omitted if you wish the bot to start the conversation (if the bot has a greeting set). The message must be encoded in the URI. | |
correction | attribute | A boolean that defines the chat message is a correction to the bot's last answer. | |
offensive | attribute | A boolean that defines the bot's last answer as offensive. The message will be flagged for the bot's administrator to review. | |
disconnect | attribute | A boolean that defines the end of the conversation. | |
includeQuestion | attribute | A boolean that indicates the question should be included in the response. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
O bate-papo API recebe uma mensagem de bate-papo e retorna o bate-papo do bot responder como um documento XML.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot to chat with. The bot's name can also be used, but the ID is better as it is guaranteed to be unique. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is sending the message. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. The user/password are only required on the first message. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is sending the message. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user who is sending the message. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
conversation | attribute | The conversation ID for the current conversation. This must not be passed on the first message, but will be returned by the response, and should be used for all subsequent messages in the conversation. | |
message | element | The chat message to send to the bot. The message can be omitted if you wish the bot to start the conversation (if the bot has a greeting set). The message must be encoded in the URI. | |
correction | attribute | A boolean that defines the chat message is a correction to the bot's last answer. | |
offensive | attribute | A boolean that defines the bot's last answer as offensive. The message will be flagged for the bot's administrator to review. | |
disconnect | attribute | A boolean that defines the end of the conversation. | |
includeQuestion | attribute | A boolean that indicates the question should be included in the response. |
Operation: POST
Type: JSON
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Operation: GET
Type: Form
A API do usuário de verificação de formulários valida o usuário e retorna os detalhes do usuário.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do usuário de verificação valida o usuário e retorna os detalhes do usuário.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-bots usada para recuperar todos os bots availabel.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is getting the users. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | attribute | Filter all the private bot items. | |
type | attribute | Type of bot. | |
typeFilter | attribute | Filter type of bot. | |
userFilter | attribute | Filter by users. | |
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-bot-script-source usada para obter a fonte do script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de script de exclusão usada para excluir um script de um bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de importação-bot-script usada para importar um script para um bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de registro de importação-bot usada para importar logs de um bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API save-bot-avatar costumava escolher um avatar e economizar para um bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the instance. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instanceAvatar | attribute | Instance avatar. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API save-bot-script-source usada para escolher um script e salvar para um bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Scripts's ID. | |
source | Script source code to update. | ||
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user perforing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the bot attachment. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. | |
name | attribute | Attachment name. | |
type | attribute | Attachment type. | |
file | file | Bot attachment file. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API up-bot-script usada para mover o script do bot para cima.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de script down-bot usada para mover o script do bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-instances recuperará todas as instâncias disponíveis.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private instance items. | ||
type | Type of instance. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of instance. | ||
userFilter | Filter by user. | ||
tag | Filter by tag. | ||
category | Filter by category. | ||
contentRating | Filter by content rating. | ||
restrict | Filter restriction. | ||
sort | Sort condition. | ||
page | attribute | Result page. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-instance-users recuperará todos os usuários dessa instância de bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-instance-admins recuperará todos os administradores dessa instância de bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de obter todas as instâncias consulta os detalhes para todas as instâncias do bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private instance items. | ||
type | Type of instance. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of instance. | ||
userFilter | Filter by user. | ||
tag | Filter by tag. | ||
category | Filter by category. | ||
contentRating | Filter by content rating. | ||
restrict | Filter restriction. | ||
sort | Sort condition. | ||
page | attribute | Result page. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de verificação valida que existe um ID ou nome do bot e retorna os detalhes do bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
name | attribute | The name of the bot to validate. The bot's ID can also be used. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: GET
Type: Form
A API de exemplo de verificação de formulário valida que existe um ID ou nome do bot e retorna os detalhes do bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
name | attribute | The name of the bot to validate. The bot's ID can also be used. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: GET
Type: Form
A API de obter todas as instâncias consulta os detalhes para todas as instâncias do bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required to query private bots. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
tag | attribute | The tag to filter the bots by. | |
sort | attribute | The sort option for the query. One of "name", "date", "dailyConnects", "weeklyConnects", "monthlyConnects". | |
filterPrivate | attribute | Set if only the user's private bots should be returned. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de instância de atualização pode permitir que o usuário atualize todos os conteúdos da instância de bot selecionada
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the instance. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
allowForking | attribute | Allow forking. | |
name | attribute | The instance name that used to identify the instance. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new instance to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the instance. | ||
details | Details for the instance. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new instance. | ||
license | License to release the instance and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the instance if it has it's own website. | ||
subdomain | You can choose a subdomain to host your own website, or give a domain that you have registered and forward to this server's ip address. | ||
categories | On what category would you place your instance. Must select at least one of the categories. (Misc, Fun, Education, Friends). | ||
tags | Tags for your instance | ||
isPrivate | attribute | Instance can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden instance will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Instance will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Instance will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Instance can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
creator | attribute | Instance creator. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de ícone de atualização do ícone de instância permite que o usuário altere o ícone da instância do bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | The icon image file |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de criar instâncias para criar uma nova instância de bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
template | Id or alias of bot to use as the template. | ||
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the instance. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The instance name that used to identify the instance. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new instance to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the instance. | ||
details | Details for the instance. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new instance. | ||
license | License to release the instance and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the instance if it has it's own website. | ||
categories | On what category would you place your instance. Must select at least one of the categories. (Misc, Fun, Education, Friends). | ||
tags | Tags for your instance | ||
isPrivate | attribute | Instance can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden instance will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Instance will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Instance will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Instance can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de exclusão para excluir uma instância de bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de instância de bandeira sinaliza uma instância de bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API star-instance estrela uma instância de bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de exemplo de trem treina uma instância de chat bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the opertaion. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. | |
operation | attribute | The training operation, one of AddGreeting, RemoveGreeting, AddDefaultResponse, RemoveDefaultResponse, AddResponse. | |
question | element | The training question text. | |
response | element | The training response text. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de instância de polegar para cima, um usuário pode colocar um polegar até uma instância de bot de bate-papo.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A instância de polegar para baixo um usuário pode colocar um polegar para baixo para uma instância de bot de bate-papo
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-channel-bot-mode usada para obter o modo de bot de canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is getting the channel of the bot. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. The user/password are only required on the first message. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API save-channel-bot-mode usada para salvar o modo de bot do canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the channel. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is saving the channel of the bot. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. The user/password are only required on the first message. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
bot | attribute | The instance of the Bot. | |
mode | attribute | The mode of the Bot. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API create-channel-attachment usada cria um anexo para um canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user creating the channel attachment. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the channel attachment. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the channel. | |
name | attribute | Attachment name. | |
type | attribute | Attachment type. | |
file | file | Channel attachment file. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API create-channel usada para criar um novo canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user creating the channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the channel. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
subdomain | attribute | Subdomain. | |
name | attribute | The channel name that used to identify the channel. | |
type | attribute | Channel type. | |
description | element | Brief description for the channel. | |
details | element | Details for the channel. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new channel. | |
license | element | License to release the channel and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the channel if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your channel. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bots, Bot Libre, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tags for your channel | |
isPrivate | attribute | Channel can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden channel will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Channel will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
videoAccessMode | attribute | Video access mode. | |
contentRating | attribute | Channel can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
audioAccessMode | attribute | Audio access mode. | |
inviteAccessMode | attribute | Invite access mode. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do canal de atualização usada para atualizar um canal existente.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | The ID of the channel. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user updating the channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is updating the channel. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Channel Domain. | |
name | attribute | The channel name that used to identify the channel. | |
type | attribute | Channel type. | |
description | element | Brief description for the channel. | |
details | element | Details for the channel. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new channel. | |
license | element | License to release the channel and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the channel if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your channel. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bots, Bot Libre, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tags for your channel | |
isPrivate | attribute | Channel can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden channel will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Channel will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
videoAccessMode | attribute | Video access mode. | |
contentRating | attribute | Channel can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
audioAccessMode | attribute | Audio access mode. | |
inviteAccessMode | attribute | Invite access mode. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-bot-channel usada para obter o canal do bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user getting the channel of the bot. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
channelType | attribute | Channel type. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-user-channel usada para obter o canal do usuário.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who's channel to get. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
channelType | attribute | Channel type. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-channels usada para recuperar todos os canais disponíveis.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is retrieving all the channels. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private channel items. | ||
filterAdult | Filter all adult channel items. | ||
type | Type of channel. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of channel. | ||
userFilter | Filter by users. | ||
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-channel-users usada para retornar todos os usuários de um canal selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-channel-admins usada para retornar todos os administradores de um canal selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is getting all the admins of the channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API update-channel-icon usada para atualizar o ícone do canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is updating the icon of the channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | Icon |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API thumbs-up-channel usada para permitir que os usuários coloquem um polegar para cima em um canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is performing a thumbs up to a channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API thumbs-up-channel usada para permitir que os usuários coloquem um polegar para baixo em um canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is performing a thumbs down to a channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de canal de sinalizador usada para sinalizar um canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is flagging a channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de canal estrela usada para estrelar um canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is favourite a channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de canal de exclusão usada para excluir um canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is deleting a channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do canal de verificação usada para validar e retornar um canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is checking or validating a channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de get-forums usada para recuperar fóruns disponíveis.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | attribute | Filter all the private forums items. | |
type | attribute | Type of forums. | |
typeFilter | attribute | Filter type of forums. | |
userFilter | attribute | Filter by users. | |
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de get-forum-posts usada para recuperar postagens disponíveis de cada fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | attribute | Filter all the private posts. | |
type | attribute | Type of forums. | |
typeFilter | attribute | Filter type of forum posts. | |
userFilter | attribute | Filter by users. | |
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de usuários do fórum usada para recuperar usuários de cada fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-forum-admins usada para recuperar administradores de cada fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de criar fórum para criar um novo fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the forum. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The forum name that used to identify the forum. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new forum to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the forum. | |
details | element | Details for the forum. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new forum. | |
license | element | License to release the forum and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the forum if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your forum. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bots, Bot Libre, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tags for your forum | |
isPrivate | attribute | forum can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden forum will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Forum will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Forum will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Forum can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
replyAccessMode | attribute | Who can reply to a post in the forum. | |
postAccessMode | attribute | Who can post on the forum. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de criar-forum-anexo para craete um fórum que contém um anexo.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID | |
instance | Forum's ID. | ||
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the forum. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | Forum file. | ||
name | Attachment name. | ||
type | Attachment type. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de criar-fórum-post para criar um novo post para um fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the forum. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
topic | Post's topic | ||
forum | attribute | The forum. | |
details | Type of a markup | ||
tags | Tags | ||
subscribe | boolean | Subscribe to this post to be notified once a reply is posted |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de atualização-fórum usada para atualizar o conteúdo do fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is updating the forum. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The forum name that used to identify the forum. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new forum to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the forum. | ||
details | Details for the forum. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new forum. | ||
license | License to release the forum and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the forum if it has it's own website. | ||
categories | On what category would you place your forum. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bots, Bot Libre, Misc). | ||
tags | Tags for your forum | ||
isPrivate | attribute | forum can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden forum will not be available to public. | |
creator | attribute | Instance creator. | |
accessMode | attribute | Forum will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Forum will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Forum can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
replyAccessMode | attribute | Who can reply to a post in the forum. | |
postAccessMode | attribute | Who can post on the forum. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de atualização-fórum-post atualiza o conteúdo de um post de um fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the forum. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
replies | Post replies. | ||
isFeatured | attribute | Featured forum. | |
topic | Post's topic | ||
details | Post's text content | ||
tags | Post's tags, csv |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
THe update-forum-icon API usado para alterar o ícone do fourm.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | Icon image file. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do check-forum valida e retorna um fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API check-forum-post verifica o post do fórum para validar e retorna um post de um fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de excluir fórum para excluir um fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A exclusão da API do delete-forum-post é um post de um fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do fórum de bandeiras costumava sinalizar um fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A bandeira da API do fórum de bandeiras é um post de um fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do fórum polegar para cima costumava colocar um polegar até um fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do fórum polegar para baixo costumava colocar polegares para baixo em um fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | TThe ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do fórum de assinantes é permitir que um usuário assine um fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de cancelamento de inscrição-fórum é permitir que o usuário não se inscreve em um fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do fórum estelar é deixar um usuário colocar uma estrela em um fórum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-scripts usada para recuperar scripts disponíveis.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private script items. | ||
filterAdult | Filter all adult script items. | ||
type | Type of script. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of script. | ||
userFilter | Filter by users. | ||
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-script-users usada para recuperar usuários de um script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-script-admins é para recuperar todos os administradores de um script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API create-script é usada para criar um novo script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the forum. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The forum name that used to identify the forum. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new forum to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the forum. | ||
details | Details for the forum. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new forum. | ||
license | License to release the forum and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the forum if it has it's own website. | ||
categories | On what category would you place your forum. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bots, Bot Libre, Misc). | ||
tags | Tags for your forum | ||
isPrivate | attribute | forum can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden forum will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Forum will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Forum will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Forum can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de script de atualização usada para atualizar o conteúdo do script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the script. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The script name that used to identify the script. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new forum to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the forum. | ||
details | Details for the script. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new script. | ||
license | License to release the script and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the forum if it has it's own website. | ||
subdomain | attribute | You can choose a subdomain to host your script's own website, or give a domain that you have registered and forward to this server's ip address. | |
categories | On what category would you place your script. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bots, Bot Libre, Misc). | ||
tags | Tags for your script | ||
isPrivate | attribute | Scripts can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden forum will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Script will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Script will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Script can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
creator | attribute | Script creator. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API update-script-icon usada para alterar o ícone do script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | Icon image file. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do fórum de verificação valida e retorna um script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API delete-script para excluir um script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de script de sinalizador usada para sinalizar um script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API thumbs-up-forum usada para colocar um polegar em um script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API thumbs-down-forum usada para colocar polegares para baixo em um script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API star-forum é para permitir que um usuário coloque uma estrela em um script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
THe get-avatars API é usado para recuperar avatares disponíveis.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private avatar items. | ||
filterAdult | Filter all adult avatar items. | ||
type | Type of avatar. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of avatar. | ||
userFilter | Filter by users. | ||
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de usuários de get-avatares usado para recuperar todos os usuários que estão relacionados a esse avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de administração get-avatar usada para recuperar todos os administradores de um avatar selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-avatar-media usada para recuperar a mídia de um avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de criação-avatar usada para criar um novo avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the avatar. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The avatar name that used to identify the avatar. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new avatar to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the avatar. | |
details | element | Details for the avatar. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new avatar. | |
license | element | License to release the avatar and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the avatar if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your avatar. Must select at least one of the categories. (People, 3D, Video, MP4). | |
tags | attribute | Tags for your avatar | |
isPrivate | attribute | Avatar can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden avatar will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Avatar will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Avatar will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Avatar can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de criar avatares-mídia usada para criar uma mídia para um avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the avatar. | |
name | attribute | Name of the media file. | |
type | attribute | Type of the avatar media file. | |
file | file | Media file. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API save-avatar-media usada para salvar as mudanças de mídia atual de um avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
mediaId | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the avatar. | |
name | attribute | Name of the media. | |
type | attribute | Type of the avatar media. | |
emotions | attribute | Emotions of the avatar. | |
actions | attribute | Actions of the avatar. | |
poses | attribute | Poses of the avatar. | |
hd | attribute | HD type of media. | |
talking | attribute | Talking state of the avatar. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API save-avatar-background salva a imagem de fundo de um avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the avatar. | |
name | attribute | Name of the media file. | |
type | attribute | Type of the avatar media file. | |
file | file | Background image file. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de excluir avatar usada para excluir um avatar selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de exclusão-avatar-mídia usada para excluir uma mídia de um avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
mediaId | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the avatar. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de fundo de exclusão de avatar usada para excluir uma imagem de fundo de um avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API check-avatar é usada para validar e devolver o avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de mensagem avatar
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | Password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
message | element | Message. | |
avatar | attribute | Avatar id. | |
avatar | attribute | The avatar. | |
emote | attribute | The emote for the message. | |
action | attribute | The actoin for the message. | |
pose | attribute | The pose for the message. | |
speak | attribute | Speak. | |
voice | attribute | Voice used for the message. | |
voiceMode | attribute | Voice mode for the message. | |
format | attribute | Message format. | |
hd | attribute | HD. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API estrela-avatar usada para o usuário estrelar um avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do avatar da bandeira usada para sinalizar um avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de atualização-avatar usada para atualizar e alterar o conteúdo de um avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The avatar name that used to identify the avatar. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new avatar to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the avatar. | |
details | element | Details for the avatar. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new avatar. | |
license | element | License to release the avatar and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the avatar if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your avatar. Must select at least one of the categories. (People, 3D, Video, MP4). | |
tags | element | Tags for your avatar | |
isPrivate | attribute | Avatar can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden avatar will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Avatar will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Avatar will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Avatar can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
isFeatured | attribute | Featured instance. | |
creator | attribute | Instance creator. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do ícone de atualização do avatar usado para atualizar o ícone do avatar
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | Icon image file. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do avatar polegar para cima costumava colocar um polegar para cima em um avatar selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do avatar polegar para baixo costumava colocar um polegar para baixo em um avatar selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de get-domains usada para recuperar todos os domínios disponíveis.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private domain items. | ||
filterAdult | Filter all adult domain items. | ||
type | Type of domain. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of domain. | ||
userFilter | Filter by users. | ||
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de usuários de domínio de domínio usado para recuperar todos os usuários de um domínio.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de administração de domínio de get-domain usada para recuperar todos os administradores de um domínio.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de domínio de get-domain recupera um domínio selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API do ícone de domínio de domínio usado para retornar um ícone de um domínio.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
O criar a API de domínio é um novo domínio.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the domain. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
name | attribute | The domain name that used to identify the domain. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new domain to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the domain. | ||
details | Details for the domain. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new domain. | ||
license | License to release the domain and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the domain if it has it's own website. | ||
subdomain | You can choose a subdomain to host your forum's own website, or give a domain that you have registered and forward to this server's ip address. | ||
categories | On what category would you place your domain. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bot Libre, Web, Education, Misc). | ||
tags | Tags for your domain | ||
isPrivate | attribute | Instance can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden domain will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Domain will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Domain will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Domain can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
creationMode | attribute | Who can create channels, forums, bots in this domain. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de domínio de verificação usada para validar e devolver um domínio de volta.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de domínio de atualização atualiza o conteúdo do domínio.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the domain. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
name | attribute | The domain name that used to identify the domain. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new domain to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the domain. | ||
details | Details for the domain. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new domain. | ||
license | License to release the domain and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the domain if it has it's own website. | ||
subdomain | You can choose a subdomain to host your forum's own website, or give a domain that you have registered and forward to this server's ip address. | ||
categories | On what category would you place your domain. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bot Libre, Web, Education, Misc). | ||
tags | Tags for your domain | ||
isPrivate | attribute | Instance can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden domain will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Domain will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Domain will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Domain can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
creator | attribute | Instance creator. | |
creationMode | Who can create channels, forums, bots in this domain. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de domínio de exclusão exclua um domínio selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API flag-domain usada para sinalizar um domínio.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de domínio estelar costumava colocar uma estrela em um domínio.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de domínio polegar para cima usada para deslizar um domínio.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de domínio polegar para baixo usada para deslizar para baixo para um domínio selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-graphics recupera todos os gráficos disponíveis.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private graphic items. | ||
filterAdult | Filter all adult graphic items. | ||
type | Type of graphic. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of graphic. | ||
userFilter | Filter by users. | ||
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de usuários gráficos retorna todos os usuários de um gráfico selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-graphic-admins retorna todos os administradores de um gráfico selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API atualização-gráfica usada para atualizar o conteúdo de um gráfico.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | Graphic's ID. | ||
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is updating the graphic. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The graphic name that used to identify the graphic. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new graphic to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the graphic. | |
details | element | Details for the graphic. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new graphic. | |
license | element | License to release the graphic and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the graphic if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your graphic. Must select at least one of the categories. (Image, Audio, Data, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tag your Graphic | |
isPrivate | attribute | Graphic can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden graphic will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Graphic will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Graphic will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
accessMode | attribute | Graphic can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
contentRating | attribute | Graphic can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
isFeatured | attribute | Featured instance. | |
creator | attribute | Instance creator. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de ícone gráfico de atualização usada para alterar e atualizar o ícone gráfico.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | Icon image file. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de mídia gráfica usada para atualizar o conteúdo de mídia do gráfico selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the domain. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
fileName | attribute | File name of the graphic. | |
fileType | attribute | File type of the graphic. | |
file | file | Graphic file. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API create-graphic usada para criar um novo gráfico.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the graphic. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The graphic name that used to identify the graphic. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new graphic to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the graphic. | |
details | element | Details for the graphic. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new graphic. | |
license | element | License to release the graphic and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the graphic if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your graphic. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bot Libre, Web, Education, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tags for your graphic | |
isPrivate | attribute | Instance can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden graphic will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Graphic will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Graphic will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Graphic can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de exclusão gráfica usada para excluir um gráfico selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API check-graphic usada para validar um gráfico e devolvê-lo.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de bandeira gráfica usada para sinalizar um gráfico.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API star-graphic costumava colocar uma estrela em um gráfico.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API gráfica usada para colocar um polegar para cima em um gráfico selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API gráfica polegar para baixo costumava colocar um polegar para baixo em um gráfico selecionado.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API get-analytics usada para recuperar todas as análises avaiáveis.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | attribute | Filter all the private analytic items. | |
filterAdult | attribute | Filter all adult analytic items. | |
type | attribute | Type of analytics. | |
typeFilter | attribute | Filter type of analytic. | |
userFilter | attribute | Filter by users. | |
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de usuários de análise usada para recuperar todos os usuários de uma análise.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de administração get-analytic usada para recuperar todos os administradores de uma análise selecionada.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de teste-analítica usada para testar um modelo analítico treinado com instruções específicas.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | The image as input to be recognized. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de teste-audio-analytic usada para testar uma análise de modelo de áudio.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | Audio file needed to audio recognize. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de detecção de objetos de teste usada para testar um modelo analítico de detecção de objetos com instruções específicas.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the Analytic. | |
file | file | Image to test for the object detection analytic. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de resultado de mídia de teste recupera os resultados de mídia de teste.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de relatório-mídia-análise usada para obter um reprot analítico.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
processingTestMediaStatus | attribute | Analytic test media status. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API analítica de trem costumava treinar um modelo analítico.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
trainingStatus | attribute | Analytic training status. | |
cycles | attribute | Analytic training cycles. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de mídia anti-análise usada para excluir uma mídia analítica selecionada.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
mediaId | attribute | Analytic's media ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
label | attribute | Analytic label. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de mídia de teste de exclusão analítica usada para excluir uma mídia de teste de uma análise.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
mediaId | attribute | Analytic's media ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
label | attribute | Analytic label. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de mídia-analítica usada para recuperar todas as mídias analíticas.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de mídia de teste-analítica recupera uma mídia de teste de uma análise.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Create a label or labels for an Analytic. Each label is a classifier. Each label is like a package will contain a set of images. This is required before starting the training phase for image recognition. Each Analytic must at least has two labels.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | Password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
label | attribute | Analytic label. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Create a label or labels for an Analytic. Each label is a classifier. Each label is like a package will contain a set of images. This is required before starting the training phase for image recognition. Each Analytic must at least has two labels.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | Password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
instance | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
label | attribute | Analytic label. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de etiqueta de exclusão analítica usada para excluir um rótulo selecionado de um objeto analítico.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | Password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
label | attribute | Analytic label. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de etiqueta de teste de análise-analítica usada para excluir um rótulo de mídia de teste de uma análise.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | Password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
label | attribute | Analytic label. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de treinamento de verificação usada para recuperar algumas informações do treinamento atual de um modelo.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the analytic. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de criação-analítica cria uma nova Análise.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the analytic. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The analytic name that used to identify the analytic. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new analytic to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the Analytic. | |
details | element | Details for the Analytic. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new Analytic. | |
license | element | License to release the Analytic and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the Analytic if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your Analytic. Must select at least one of the categories. (Image, Audio, Data, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tag your Analytic | |
isPrivate | attribute | Analytic can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden analytic will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Analytic will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Analytic will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
accessMode | attribute | Analytic can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
contentRating | attribute | Analytic can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A atualização da API de atualização-analítica ou alterar os detalhes de uma análise selecionada.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the analytic. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The analytic name that used to identify the analytic. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new analytic to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the Analytic. | |
details | element | Details for the Analytic. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new Analytic. | |
license | element | License to release the Analytic and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the Analytic if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your Analytic. Must select at least one of the categories. (Image, Audio, Data, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tag your Analytic | |
isPrivate | attribute | Analytic can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden analytic will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Analytic will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Analytic will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
accessMode | attribute | Analytic can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
contentRating | attribute | Avatar can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
isFeatured | attribute | Featured instance. | |
creator | attribute | Instance creator. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API analítica de bandeira costumava colocar uma bandeira em uma Análise.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de polegar para cima-análise usado para deslizar para cima um Analytic.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de polegar para baixo-analytic usado para deslizar para baixo para um Analytic.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de análise de estrelas é usada para estrelar um objeto analítico.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de exclusão analicada usada para excluir uma análise selecionada.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de verificação analítica usada para validar uma instância de uma análise e devolvê-la.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the analytic is private. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
A API de análise de dados de descanso usada para descansar os dados de uma análise selecionada.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the analytic is private. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Teste a análise de dados com um conjunto de entradas.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user perfoming the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the analytic is private. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
input | element | A comma-seperated list of floats to be trained as input. |
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Treine a análise de dados com vários conjuntos de entradas e saídas.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the analytic is private. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
data | element | Use the data tags to group the inputs with the corresponding outputs. | |
input | element | A comma-seperated list of floats to be trained as input. | |
output | element | A comma-seperated list of floats to be trained as output. |
Você pode chamar qualquer uma das API acima usando JSON em vez de XML usando o ponto final /rest/json Em vez de /rest/api.