Scripts De Pesquisa

250 resultados.
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that (alice)
that (alice)
The "that" AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains context response to other questions from the ALICE scripts. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @that (alice)
Categorias: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: alice, aiml
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 347, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 5:20
biography (alice)
biography (alice)
The biography AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains answers to "who is" style questions of notable people. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @biography (alice)
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: alice, knowledge, aiml
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 344, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 3, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 5:20
food (alice)
food (alice)
The food AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
The food script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @food (alice)
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: alice, aiml
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 340, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:47
atomique_ed (french)
atomique_ed (french)
atomique_ed French AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation. This script contains some responses to common phrases and is meant to be combine with the other french AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @atomique_ed (french)
Categorias: French Set, Language, AIML, French
Tags: french, aiml, common responses
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 322, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:47
Animals Set
Animals Set
This JSON data file can be used to load the concept of animals into your bot. This defines animal meaning objects for animal words, and can be used as a set in AIML or from Self. You can import JSON files from your bot's Knowledge page in its Admin Console.
Alias: @Animals Set
Categorias: Data, JSON
Tags: data, set, json, animals
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: JSON
Liga: 306, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:23
IBM Watson Example
IBM Watson Example
This script shows how you can call an IBM Watson bot or web service from IBM's Bluemix web API. For examples on calling IBM Watson's API see,
Alias: @IBM Watson Example
Categorias: Self, Examples
Tags: examples, web service, json, watson
Criado: Feb 20 2018, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Self
Liga: 306, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:48
Emotions and Sentiment
Emotions and Sentiment
A set of words tagged with emotions and sentiment. Emotions and sentiment let the bot know the feeling of the user.
Alias: @Emotions and Sentiment
Categorias: Response Lists
Tags: emotion, response list, examples, sentiment
Criado: Apr 11 2018, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Liga: 293, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 13:44
Generic Intent Commands
Generic Intent Commands
Using generic arguments (ie: action, intent, uri, extra), these commands will add the functionality for your bot to send email, sms, set alarms etc on the device. See the Website link for a detailed tutorial. Load the whole script, choose the commands you want or use this as a guideline to create your own commands. Note: You will need permissions to send sms, set alarms and call a phone number directly
Alias: @Generic Intent Commands
Categorias: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: response list, assistant, commands, mobile, common responses
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Liga: 288, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 13:46
gossip (alice)
gossip (alice)
The gossip AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
The gossip script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @gossip (alice)
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: alice, aiml
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 288, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:47
The humor AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains a collection of jokes. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @humor
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: aiml, jokes, alice
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 288, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:49
bot profile (alice)
bot profile (alice)
The bot profile AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script answers basic questions about the bot. You need to set several bot variables for it to function. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
You can set a variable on your bot using Self while chatting with your bot:
&& set #gender to "female" on #self
or importing a chat log; script: set #gender to "female" on #self
Alias: @bot profile (alice)
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: aiml, alice, bot
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 287, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:58
history (alice)
history (alice)
The history AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains a handful of responses on historical information. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @history (alice)
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: alice, aiml, bot
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 287, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:47
Email Commands
Email Commands
Commands for your personal assistant bot. Send email, set a contact, customize subject and message of email. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @Email Commands
Categorias: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: mobile, assistant, response list, commands, email
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Liga: 284, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 13:42
This script sets data on the current conversation.
Alias: @SetData
Categorias: Self
Tags: data, example, self
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Self
Liga: 284, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:58
AIML Wikipedia Search
AIML Wikipedia Search
This script gives an example of how to search wikipedia.
Alias: @AIML Wikipedia Search
Categorias: AIML2, AIML, Examples
Tags: examples, search, xml, wikipedia, sraix, aiml, xpath
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 283, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:49
Example JSON
Example JSON
This script show an example JSON data file. JSON is the main standard for exchanging data on the web and JavaScript. You can import JSON data into your bot from the Knowledge page in its Admin Console. You can access JSON data from the web using a Self script and the Http.requestJSON(url) API.
Alias: @Example JSON
Categorias: JSON, Data, Examples
Tags: data, examples, json
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: JSON
Liga: 283, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:19
imponderables (alice)
imponderables (alice)
The history AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains a random set of clever or funny questions and statements. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @imponderables (alice)
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: alice, jokes, aiml
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 283, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:47
sara Spanish AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation.
This script contains the basic sara personality and is meant to be combine with the other sara AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @sara
Categorias: Spanish, Sara, Language, AIML
Tags: spanish, bot, aiml, alice, sara
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 282, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 3, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:49
Sentiment Response
Sentiment Response
This script gives a different response to the user's question based on the sentiment of their phrase.
Alias: @Sentiment Response
Categorias: Examples, Self
Tags: sentiment, self, examples
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Self
Liga: 282, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:48
Map Commands
Map Commands
Map commands to use Google Maps with your virtual assistant bot. Open map, get directions to and from destinations, pick a mode (walking, driving or biking) or avoid tolls, highways and ferries. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @Map Commands
Categorias: Mobile Assistant, Response Lists
Tags: google maps, commands, response list, map, assistant, mobile
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Liga: 280, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 13:44
The inquiry AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @inquiry
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: alice, aiml
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 279, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:45
The default "*" pattern for the ALICE script set. This does a SRAI rediect to the "RANDOM PICKUP LINE" pattern which returns a random smalltalk phrase. This script should be last in you list of scripts, or if you want to enable heuristic response matching use this template as your bot's "default response" instead.
Alias: @alice_default
Categorias: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: alice, aiml
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 278, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:50
computers (alice)
computers (alice)
The computers AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains general responses on computers and programming. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @computers (alice)
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: knowledge, aiml, alice, tech
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 278, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:45
continuation (alice)
continuation (alice)
The continuation AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script seems to be maintaining some sort of conversational stack, but I really have no idea what it is doing exactly. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @continuation (alice)
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: utils, alice, aiml
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 278, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:47
pickup (alice)
pickup (alice)
The pickup AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
This script contains basic default phrases to start or redirect conversations. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @pickup (alice)
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: aiml, default phrases, bot, alice
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 278, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:56
sexo (sara)
sexo (sara)
Sara sexo Spanish AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation. This script contains some polite responses to sexual questions and is meant to be combine with the other sara AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @sexo (sara)
Categorias: Spanish, Language, AIML, Sara
Tags: sara, dating, spanish, aiml
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 278, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:47
drugs (alice)
drugs (alice)
The drugs AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains basic responses for drug and narcotics related questions. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @drugs (alice)
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: alice, aiml, drugs
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 277, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:49
Learn Emotions
Learn Emotions
This is an example AIML script that uses AIML sets, and a self tag to dynamically add words to the set.
Alias: @Learn Emotions
Categorias: Examples, AIML
Tags: learning, aiml, examples
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 277, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 3, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:47
Alarm/Timer Commands
Alarm/Timer Commands
Alarm and Timer commands for your personal assistant bot. These commands with enable a specific alarm, set alarm with 12 hour time, am or pm. Set a name for a specific or repeating alarm, choose what days it should repeat. Set a timer for minutes/hours. Name a repeating timer. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See the website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @Alarm/Timer Commands
Categorias: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: assistant, commands, response list, mobile, alarm
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Liga: 276, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 13:44
Facebook Location Request
Facebook Location Request
This script gives an example script for how to request and process the user's location in a Facebook Messenger bot.
Alias: @Facebook Location Request
Categorias: Self
Tags: self, facebook, geospatial, location, examples
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Self
Liga: 276, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:58
default (sara)
default (sara)
Sara default Spanish AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation. This script contains basic Spanish default phrases and is meant to be combine with the other sara AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @default (sara)
Categorias: Language, Sara, Spanish, AIML
Tags: spanish, aiml, sara, default phrases
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 275, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:50
Telegram Location Request
Telegram Location Request
This script gives an example script for how to request and process the user's location in a Telegram Messenger bot.
Alias: @Telegram Location Request
Categorias: Self
Tags: self, location, examples, telegram, geospatial
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Self
Liga: 275, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:58
Count Words
Count Words
This example script show how to count the words in a sentence.
Alias: @Count Words
Categorias: Self, Examples
Tags: example, self
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Self
Liga: 271, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:48
SMS/Text Message Commands
SMS/Text Message Commands
SMS commands to send text messages with your virtual assistant bot. View texts, open contacts and send text messages. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @SMS/Text Message Commands
Categorias: Mobile Assistant, Response Lists
Tags: response list, mobile, sms, text, assistant, commands
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Liga: 270, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 13:44
Camera/Video Commands
Camera/Video Commands
Camera commands for your personal assistant bot, using the default device camera. Take a photo, take a selfie, take a video. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @Camera/Video Commands
Categorias: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: camera, video, assistant, mobile, response list, photo, picture, commands
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Liga: 269, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 13:42
AIML HTML Scraping
AIML HTML Scraping
An example AIML script that scrapes data from an HTML webpage.
Alias: @AIML HTML Scraping
Categorias: Examples, AIML
Tags: examples, html scraping, aiml
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 268, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:02
astrology (alice)
astrology (alice)
The astrology AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains basic astrology responses. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @astrology (alice)
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: astrology, alice, aiml
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 268, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:50
Open Common Apps Commands
Open Common Apps Commands
Using these commands, your bot can open an app for you on your device. This list features the most common apps: pick and choose, load them all or use this as a guide. You will need to know the package name of the app you want to open.
Alias: @Open Common Apps Commands
Categorias: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: response list, assistant, commands, mobile
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Liga: 268, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 3, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 13:44
default (alice)
default (alice)
The default AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains general responses to many common types of questions. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @default (alice)
Categorias: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, common responses, small talk, default phrases, alice
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 267, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:48
nombres (sara)
nombres (sara)
Sara nombres Spanish AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation. This script contains some naming understanding and is meant to be combine with the other sara AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @nombres (sara)
Categorias: AIML, Spanish, Language, Sara
Tags: names, spanish, aiml, sara
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 266, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:00
stack (alice)
stack (alice)
The stack AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script records the last eight topics in the converation. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @stack (alice)
Categorias: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: utils, alice, aiml
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 266, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 3, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:47
A response list that can be used to import some basic info on animals.
Alias: @Animals
Categorias: Response Lists, Examples
Tags: animals, response list
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Liga: 265, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:48
numeros (sara)
numeros (sara)
Sara nombres Spanish AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation. This script contains some number understanding and is meant to be combine with the other sara AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @numeros (sara)
Categorias: AIML, Sara, Spanish, Language
Tags: spanish, sara, aiml
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 265, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 1, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:49
JSON Bot Service
JSON Bot Service
This script shows how you can use your bot as a "bot service" to process JSON. Note that this is an advanced thing to do, and this should not be confused with calling a JSON web service, which you can do from any Self script. This is for when you want your bot to act as a web service, so it processing JSON not a chat message/NLP. This is possible through the Bot Libre REST API /rest/api/command
Alias: @JSON Bot Service
Categorias: Examples, Self
Tags: bot service, web service, json, command, examples
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Self
Liga: 264, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:50
No Conflict Generic Script
No Conflict Generic Script
Generic Commands that do not conflict with the specific command scripts.
Alias: @No Conflict Generic Script
Categorias: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: mobile, assistant, commands
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Liga: 263, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 3, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 13:44
Sara srai Spanish AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation. This script contains some reductions to common phrases and is meant to be combine with the other sara AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @sara_srai
Categorias: Sara, Language, Spanish, AIML
Tags: reduction, spanish, sara, aiml
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 260, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 3, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:49
Example CSV
Example CSV
An example CSV (comma separated values) file. CSV files can be imported as data into a bot's knowledge base, or can be parsed from the web or file upload in Self using Http.requestCSV(url)
Alias: @Example CSV
Categorias: CSV, Examples, Data
Tags: knowledge, data, csv, examples
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: CSV
Liga: 258, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:48
Client Profile
Client Profile
Rosie client_profile.aiml script.
Alias: @clientprofile
Categorias: Rosie, AIML
Tags: aiml, rosie, profile, aiml2
Criado: Nov 7 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 256, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:24
Mailing List
Mailing List
This script gives an example of a mailing list bot that sends email notifications of new blog posts using a timer function.
Alias: @Mailing List
Categorias: Self, Examples
Tags: examples, self, timer, email
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Self
Liga: 253, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:48
Wikipedia Search
Wikipedia Search
An example Self script that searches Wikipedia.
Alias: @Wikipedia Search
Categorias: Self, Examples
Tags: xpath, search, xml, wikipedia, examples, web service, self
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Self
Liga: 253, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 1, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:50
List Commands
List Commands
Provides lists of supported commands.
Alias: @List Commands
Categorias: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: assistant, mobile, commands
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Liga: 251, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 13:44
Rosie entity.set script.
Alias: @entity
Categorias: Data, AIML, Set, Rosie
Tags: aiml, set, aiml2, rosie
Criado: Nov 7 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Set
Liga: 250, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 14:07
YouTube Search
YouTube Search
This is an example script that searches YouTube for a video using the Google YouTube search API. Note, you require a Google API key to call the API.
Alias: @YouTube Search
Categorias: Self, Examples
Tags: json, self, web service, google, youtube, examples
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Self
Liga: 250, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:50
Calendar/Event Commands
Calendar/Event Commands
Calendar commands to create events with your virtual assistant bot. Open calendar to create event, set event time, name and location. Include an end time for event. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @Calendar/Event Commands
Categorias: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: calendar, assistant, mobile, commands
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Liga: 248, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 13:44
date (alice)
date (alice)
The date AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains responses to basic questions on the current date.
Alias: @date (alice)
Categorias: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: alice, aiml
Criado: Feb 8 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Liga: 248, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 2, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 11:52
GeoNames JSON Response List Example
GeoNames JSON Response List Example
An example response list that calls the GeoNames web service.
Alias: @GeoNames JSON Response List Example
Categorias: Examples, Response Lists
Tags: response list, self, web service, json
Criado: Feb 19 2019, by: admin
Polegares para cima: 0, polegar para baixo.: 0, estrelas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Liga: 248, hoje em dia: 1, semana: 1, mês: 1
Última Conexão: Today, 12:48

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